Since the introduction of the fourth industrial revolution, technologies have improved drastically, and have altered the way we work and perform certain functions. Today, technology has transformed the maritime shipping industry positively. In an industry that is ever-changing and competitive, modern digital technologies provide the opportunity for vessels to operate at a faster pace and navigate with little manpower. With the shipping industry contributing immensely to a country’s economy, constant technological improvements are beneficial to the industry’s growth.
In agreement with Dnv.Gl, in shipping, digitization and the use of modern technology has had a huge impact on the improvement of ships. Ships have become sophisticated sensor hubs and data generators, producing and transmitting information from anywhere, often in real time. Information is no longer limited as before. One can track and locate where a vessel is from a continent away from its current geographic location, and what time it will arrive with effective communication. It can either be updated within the system or tracked through the use of GPS.
One might wonder how can a vessel be tracked from another location, and how does it impact a nation – it is simple… Technological devices that are installed in vessels are interconnected to modern devices in various countries’ ports, thus making the sharing of information paramount. It should be mandatory for vessels to utilized the modern technologies to communicate. Doing this will positively impact the safety of people on vessels and avoid collision of vessels, it will foster commercial and economic growth, and lastly, improve sustainable environmental performance.
While we move to a more digital and technological era, we ought to be mindful of how these high-end devices are used, and that only credible information is provided among the necessary parties. With the positive impacts and features that the improvement of technology has on vessels, come with many negatives if the devices are misused, or communication is ineffective. We, at Delivery Crew & Marine Services, implore all ship or vessel owners, and people who are involved in the maritime industry to communicate effectively, ensure that are vessels are up to par in relation to modern technology, and continue to invest in improving technology. The shipping industry has contributed to the growth of world’s economy, and continues to do so through the use of technology.