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Delivery Crew & Marine Services

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The Famous Panama Canal

Knowing your history is beneficial to most, if not everyone who is fascinated with waterways. One of the most renown canals that people are always quick to remember about is the famous Panama Canal, otherwise call – Canal de Panamá. The Panama Canal is an artificial waterway located in Panama which connects the Atlantic Ocean


It is usually movies that we watch and see piracy in full effect. Unfortunately, it is a real life tragedy that affects people who try to earn an honest bread. I can never fathom how pirates think prior to robbing vessels or kidnapping people. What is their main purpose? One may ask. Their main purpose

Should Seafarers get vaccinated?

A midst the global pandemic, most countries are finally feeling some sense of hope! Wearing a mask and sanitizing seem to not be working fast enough as the number of cases are increasing daily, and so too is the death toll from covid-19. Researchers have finally found a way to mitigate the spread of covid-19, by

Sexual Abuse / Harassment among Seafarers

Often times we tend to ignore reports of seafarers who are sexually abused because we get so caught up in working and managing our personal lives. These victims are left scarred and furious whenever their complaints go unnoticed or not much attention is given towards it. What would you do if you have exhausted your

The Importance of Ships in the Maritime Industry and Global Trade

Global trade, also known as international trade is the exchange of goods and services across borders. The correlation between the shipping industry and global trade work hand-in-hand with each other on many levels. While there are other ways to ship cargoes, you can agree with me and empirical data that most cargoes are transported via

The impact of Covid-19 on new Seafarers 

Several seafarers who have just completed their studies and training are experiencing a misfortune! The time when they should be reaping the benefits from what they have worked tirelessly for, they are being plagued by a virus that is basically putting the world on pause, the coronavirus, Covid-19. Some seafarers family have spent their life

Why you should choose a ship over an airplane to transport your cargo

Have you ever had some moments where you randomly think about odd stuff then wonder to yourself if you are the only human being who thinks that way? I mean, we all at some point of our life have sat and pondered on the weirdest things ever! Just admit it; I just did! Let me

The importance of Free Pratique within the Maritime and Shipping Industry

Human beings are one of the most common vectors of infectious diseases, who accelerate the spread through worldwide travel. For this reason, many diseases are easily spread from a localized region to several countries around the world. Have you ever stopped to evaluate the rationale behind the governments of different countries decision to refuse vessels

Delivery Crew & Marine Services

Most Popular Stories

The Famous Panama Canal

Knowing your history is beneficial to most, if not everyone who is fascinated with waterways. One of the most renown canals that people are always quick to remember about is the famous Panama Canal, otherwise call – Canal de Panamá. The Panama Canal is an artificial waterway located in Panama which connects the Atlantic Ocean


It is usually movies that we watch and see piracy in full effect. Unfortunately, it is a real life tragedy that affects people who try to earn an honest bread. I can never fathom how pirates think prior to robbing vessels or kidnapping people. What is their main purpose? One may ask. Their main purpose

Should Seafarers get vaccinated?

A midst the global pandemic, most countries are finally feeling some sense of hope! Wearing a mask and sanitizing seem to not be working fast enough as the number of cases are increasing daily, and so too is the death toll from covid-19. Researchers have finally found a way to mitigate the spread of covid-19, by

Sexual Abuse / Harassment among Seafarers

Often times we tend to ignore reports of seafarers who are sexually abused because we get so caught up in working and managing our personal lives. These victims are left scarred and furious whenever their complaints go unnoticed or not much attention is given towards it. What would you do if you have exhausted your